3 Weeks in Myanmar

QuestionsCategory: Myanmar3 Weeks in Myanmar
Huong Giang Staff asked 8 years ago

Hi all
My partner and I are planning our 3 week itinerary for Myanmar arriving into Yangon in November

We plan to do :

Bagan (2-3 nights)
Mandalay (2-3 nights)
Hsipaw (1-2 nights)
Kalaw – Inle Lake (is this worth the trek?)
Kyaukame (1-2 nights)
Ngapali (is this worth visiting in November ?) (2-3 nights)
Back to Yangon to fly out to Laos

We like trekking, history, nature and are keen to get off the main tourist route at points along the way. Also very interested in home-stays and any conservation/charity projects if anyone has any recommendations?

Thanks in advance

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