applying Myanmar visa in Kathmandu,Delhi or Kolkatta

QuestionsCategory: Myanmarapplying Myanmar visa in Kathmandu,Delhi or Kolkatta
dina1 Staff asked 9 years ago
We are planning to enter Myanmar from Tamu/Moreh border. Can  we can get evisa  ?Does anybody have recent experiences applying Myanmar visa in Kathmandu,Delhi or Kolkatta ?
Myanmar, visa
1 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 9 years ago

In the remote north west of Myanmar, a crossing exists between Moreh (India, Manipur state) and Tamu (Myanmar, Sagaing Division). If you want to enter or leave Myanmar here, you will need to book a special tour package by travel agent (you must apply at least one month in advance of your travel date).
Although permits are required for border crossing, foreigners can now travel in these parts of Sagaing Division (Myanmar) and Manipur State (India) freely.
The India-Myanmar border in the far north of Kachin State at Pangsau Pass is currently shut to foreigners.

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