How To Avoid Troubles When Use Vietnam Visa On Arrival Service?

QuestionsCategory: VietnamHow To Avoid Troubles When Use Vietnam Visa On Arrival Service?
dina1 Staff asked 9 years ago

How To Avoid Troubles When Use Vietnam Visa On Arrival Service? Please help me!!!

1 Answers
MountFansipan Staff answered 9 years ago

Vietnam visa on arrival service is the best choice for foreigner who would like to visit Vietnam for traveling, doing business, visiting family or friends…because it’s save your time, your fee and the visa procedures are very simple, fastest and reliable.
However, you can meet some of troubles when use this service if you do not study information carefully. 
Please take a look at below attentions:
1. Don’t get the approval letter on time:
After fill out the application form, you will receive a confirmation via email about the time when we send you the approval letter. If it passes over 4 hours than the time you have not received any mail yet, please do not hesitate to contact them to check your visa status.
2. Personal information is wrong:
Please check your mailbox after applying visa successful to make sure that your personal information is exact. If there are any mistakes on your name, passport number, date of birth, nationality, arrival date,… You should contact them as soon as possible to correct it.
3. The approval letter is lost in airplane:
If your approval letter is lost in airplane, please do not worry about that. You should go to the landing visa counter at Vietnam airport and read out your name and your passport number in order for Vietnam Immigration Officer to check on their system because your visa information was approved by Vietnam Immigration Department and was stored in smart secure system at the airport. For case, if you meet any problem, please do hesitate to call us for support. We are 24/7 to support you.

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