Balloon ride over Angkor Wat

QuestionsCategory: CambodiaBalloon ride over Angkor Wat
dina1 Staff asked 8 years ago
Hi there!

We are planning to make a trip to Cambodia with our 4 year and 13 year old daughters and are thinking about
the hot air balloon ride over the Angkor Wat complex in Siemreap. Is it safe? Is it children friendly?
And will it be a nice experience and worth spending time and money?

1 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 8 years ago

March 2015 is the beginning of festival season in Vietnam.

Some festival in early March for your reference:
Perfume Pagoda festival 05 March 2015 (people still come to pagoda in other days in March)
Lim Festival (Bac Ninh province) 03 Mar 2015
Phu Giay Festival (Nam Dinh province) 31 Mar – 09 Apr 2015

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