Bassaka Air is in service in Cambodia

QuestionsCategory: CambodiaBassaka Air is in service in Cambodia
dina1 Staff asked 8 years ago

What is Bassaka Air like? How many destination this airline is in service?

1 Answers
MountFansipan Staff answered 8 years ago

Bassaka Air is a Cambodian scheduled and charter airline based at Phnompenh Airport that provides both domestic and international services.
Flights depart daily from Phnom Penh to Siemriep at 09:20 AM  and return flights Siem Reap to Phnompenh at 10:55 AM
They also served  chartered flight to Macau,  focus is to connect the Chinese gambling market with casinos in Cambodia.
They are currently operating two Airbus 320-200 are big planes that seat 168 passengers so the trip is much shorter than Cambodia Angkor Air and Bayon Air
In general, flights on Bassaka Air are great value for money with good service, comfortable seat, friendly staff.

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