Boat travel from Katha to Mandalay

QuestionsCategory: MyanmarBoat travel from Katha to Mandalay
dina1 Staff asked 9 years ago

I want to travel by  fast boat from Katha to Mandalay . Is this boat an enclosed cabin with A.C or is it more likely an open space like on plane?

2 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 9 years ago

The express boats are open air and seats are narrow for foreigners.
There are two types ;
1. Standard seats ( Better to book 2 seats to be comfortable on long journey )
2. Upper class cabin ( Narrow cabin , but comfortable , Need sleeping bags )

Hope it helps

dina1 Staff answered 9 years ago

The express boats are open air and seats are narrow for foreigners.
There are two types ;
1. Standard seats ( Better to book 2 seats to be comfortable on long journey )
2. Upper class cabin ( Narrow cabin , but comfortable , Need sleeping bags )
Hope it helps

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