Boat trip on Inle Lake and trekking in Kalaw

QuestionsCategory: MyanmarBoat trip on Inle Lake and trekking in Kalaw
dina1 Staff asked 8 years ago

I will visit Myanmar shortly. I am planning to stay for a few days in the Inle Lake. I would like to take boat trip on the lake  to explore the floating villages and life there, then embark on trekking in  Kalaw for 3-4 days.  Any suggestion to do this trip would be highly appreciated

1 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 8 years ago


You can do this route or vice verse:
Day 1: Kalaw- Ywa Pu (approx; 7-hour Trekking)
Day 2: Ywa Pu- Hti Thein (approx; 8-hour Trekking)
Day 3: Hti Thein-Taung Bo Gyi or Than Daung -Inle Lake (Maximum 6 hours trekking)
Day4: Inle lake boat trip

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