Booking hotel and transfer in advance or upon arrival to Myanmar

QuestionsCategory: MyanmarBooking hotel and transfer in advance or upon arrival to Myanmar
dina1 Staff asked 9 years ago

I will traveling with my friend to Myanmar. Has any one been to this country and could offer some advise in regard to booking hotel and transfer in advance or we could make the booking easily when we get there?

1 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 9 years ago


It really depends on the location of the property or any local events happening.

We recommend you should book hotel and transfer before leaving home and as far in advance as possible.

Book far in advance for holidays and peak travel periods, and research the destination to see if any big events will be occurring near the hotel during the trip to anticipate price increases and room availability.

You should make reservations at least a month ahead of time in most cases to ensure room availability and avoid last-minute price increases at popular destinations.

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