Bus from Luang Prabang to vang vieng and vientiane

QuestionsCategory: LaosBus from Luang Prabang to vang vieng and vientiane
dina1 Staff asked 9 years ago

This is the first time I have been in Luang Prabang. could you tell me the informations about the bus from Luang Prabang to vang vieng and vientiane: price, bus stop in LP, tips,…

Many thanks!

1 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 9 years ago

In Luang Prabang, you can use minibus, VIP bus or van to transfer to Vang Vieng and Vientiane.

  • If you choose minibus or VIP bus, there are at least 2 an hour and you can find bus station in the south of the town and it is near the tourist area. You can book VIP bus from guesthouse or travel agency. it takes  about 50,000 Kip from Vang Vieng-Vientiane and 80,000 Kip from Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng.
  • If you want to go by van you can also book ticket from your guesthouse or travel agency. Sharing a van to transfer from Luang Phrabang to VangVieng or Vang Vieng to Vientiane is popular because it can be faster
Luang Phrabang-Vientiane


There is one tip for you: If you buy a VIP bus ticket from your guesthouse or travel agency, you should show up early to get a seat assignment because it is not comfortable if you get a bad seat in during long journey.
Hope it’s helpful for you, have a nice trip!

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