Bus from Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh

QuestionsCategory: CambodiaBus from Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh
Huong Giang Staff asked 8 years ago


We plan to travel from Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh over land. I wonder should the buses be booked in advance?
Do the buses operate daily?How long does the buses approx. take?What is the quality of the buses and how much do they cost?

Thank you for sharing

1 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 8 years ago

Hello there,
You can get from Pnompenh to Ho Chi Minh via Air, Boat or Bus; among 3 ways bus is the cheapest one. It takes about 6 hours and you can book in advance directly by cell phone from bus company or through hotels, guesthouses or travel agencies. The price of ticket is from $6-$12.You should book tickets in advance to make sure that you can get the specific bus lines and have a comfortable seat.

Bus from Pnompenh to Ho Chi Minh
Currently, the quality of bus from Pnompenh to Ho Chi Minh is quite good. Some buses have Wi-Fi, complementary snacks and toilet. If you have a long trip and are going to cross border, I recommend for booking expensive bus for impeccable service.

Pnompenh to Ho Chi Minh

Hope this information is useful for you.
Have a nice trip!

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