Cheap way to Sittwe with visit Chin Villages and Mrauk U?

QuestionsCategory: MyanmarCheap way to Sittwe with visit Chin Villages and Mrauk U?
dina1 Staff asked 8 years ago

What are the most affordable way getting to Sittwe?
We would like to visit Chin Villages and Mrauk U.

1 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 8 years ago

There ar 2 main ways to get to Sittwe:

+ By air: Air Bagan  and Air Mandaly fly to Sittwe from Yangon, some of the flights go via, or on to Thandwe (Sandoway). The airport is only a couple of miles from the city and taxis are available but it is cheaper to take a trishaw for the short ride to the city (Trishaws wait outside the airport gate).

+ By road: The road to Sittwe (via Pyay) has been upgraded in recent years and the once harrowing journey is now quite comfortable if you have your own car. Buses also ply the route. Either way, set aside two days for the journey from Yangon. The coastal route is still long and arduous.

Please find our itinerary which visit Chin Village and Mrauk U by click the link below:

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