Flight connection Dienbienphu and Luangprabang

QuestionsCategory: VietnamFlight connection Dienbienphu and Luangprabang
dina1 Staff asked 9 years ago

We will be visiting Northern Vietnam and around trip from Sapa to Dienbien Phu. Then we want to take the flight to Laos from there. Is there any flight connecting Dienbien Phu and Luangprabang? If not, what is the most suitable way to get there?

1 Answers
Huong Giang Staff answered 9 years ago

There is no direct flight from Dien Bien Phu to Luang Prabang, only flight from Hanoi to Luang Prabang.

However from Dien Bien Phu you can travel overland to Luang Prabang:Diien Bien Phu cross border to Muang Khua, continue to Nong Khiaw and then to Luang prabang .

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