Halong Bay Cruise Tour

QuestionsCategory: VietnamHalong Bay Cruise Tour
Huong Giang Staff asked 9 years ago

Could you advise me what is kind of cruise included in Halong Bay Tours?

1 Answers
MountFansipan Staff answered 8 years ago

Regardless whoever you are and how much money you have in your pocket, you still find your wishes fulfilled and your requirements met with a wide variety of Halong Bay cruises.
Halong bay cruises to grasp the unique charm of the attraction are classified into different categories, based on the quality of facilities, features of itineraries and diversity of activities.
Luxury Halong Bay Cruises: offer the most convenient facilities, many interesting activities and unique itineraries for tourists to deeply explore mysterious wonder of the world.
+ Signature Cruise
+ Jasmine Cruise
+Indochina Sail
+ Paradise Cruise
+ Aphordite Cruise
+ Royal Wings Cruise
+ Valentine Cruise
+ Bhaya Cruise
+ Au Co Cruise
+ Violet Cruise
+ Golden Cruise

Deluxe Halong Cruise: Serve guests with high quality services, and comfortable space which will make you feel like being at the floating elegant hotels.
+ Paloma Cruise
+ Glory
+ Sealife Cruise
+ Grayline Cruise
+ Syrena Cruise
+ Red Dragon Cruise

Budget Halong Bay Cruise: “Good services” and “reasonable cost” are the words to describe Budget Cruises. Spending less money but you can enjoy great time on magnificent “descending dragon bay”.

+ Oriental Sail
+ Majestice
+ Huong Hai Junk
+ V Spirit
+ Bai Tho
+ Image

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