What is the home-stay like? Will we stay with local family?

QuestionsCategory: VietnamWhat is the home-stay like? Will we stay with local family?
dina1 Staff asked 9 years ago
What is the home-stay like? Will we stay with local family?
1 Answers
MountFansipan Staff answered 8 years ago

Staying in small local hotels is a great way to get a feel for the culture you’re visiting, but if you really want to understand more about the daily lives of the local people, then there really is no substitute for spending a few days as a homestay guest.

Of course, this style of travel isn’t for everyone… Conditions can be fairly basic – home is often a simple wooden construction with mats on the floor to sleep on, cold-water showers and definitely no air-conditioning… but if you’re up for a little bit of an adventure and come with an open-mind, you’ll soon find that the minor discomforts are far out-weighed by the benefits of this unique experience.

You’ll also quickly discover that our homestays in Vietnam are actually a two-way cultural exchange as your hosts are very likely to be as interested in your culture as you are in theirs…

Don’t forget to bring some pictures of home and prepared to arrive as a guest but to leave as a friend.

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