How to go from Sianhoukville to Koh Rong island by ferry

QuestionsCategory: CambodiaHow to go from Sianhoukville to Koh Rong island by ferry
travel Staff asked 6 years ago

How to go from Sianhoukville to Koh Rong island by ferry?

Which is the best ferry company to book a return ferry with? Is it best to book on the net or when we get there? How long is the ferry from Sihanoukville to Koh Rong? How do I get to Koh Rong? Is there a private ferry service from Sihanoukville to Koh Rong? Is it possible to take a ferry to Koh Rong after dark?

1 Answers
Huong Giang Staff answered 6 years ago

To get from Sihanoukville to Koh Rong Island, you can take one of the 5 modern ferry companies – Speed Ferry Cambodia, Island Speed Boat Cambodia, Buva Sea, Angkor Speed Ferry, and GTVC.

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