is it safe in vietnam?

QuestionsCategory: Vietnamis it safe in vietnam?
dina1 Staff asked 9 years ago

My husband and I are thinking about a holiday in Vietnam from South to North.

We don’t want to do a tour because we like to see the country side, not the temples and buildings.

However we are worry about safety. Is it safe if staying in good hotels, ?

Appreciate any advice

1 Answers
MountFansipan Staff answered 8 years ago

Vietnam is a relatively safe country for visitors, however, there are certain factors to consider when looking at your safety if you are traveling by yourself in Vietnam, and taking a few precautions can certainly help to ensure your safety.
When it comes to clothing, it is advisable to follow the local way of dressing. Vietnamese people do not dress traditionally or religiously in their daily life, so you do not have to worry about putting on something exotic or awkward. However, Vietnamese women, especially those in the countryside, dress quite conservatively and modestly and tourists should try to do the same. Accordingly, leaving your showy stuffs home would certainly help you to integrate more easily into the community. Besides, when visiting holy places and national monuments, you should avoid wearing shorts and tatty beer T-shirts, even in hot days.
Petty crime is becoming less common in Vietnam, mainly taking place in crowded areas such as markets, bus stops,rail stations and no-go areas although most vacation spots in Vietnam are categorized as safe places for tourists. It is necessary to pay attention to your luggage and other bags at all times. One of the best ways to work the issue out could be considering staying at higher end hotels and always leaving your valuables and your essential things such as your passports, credit cards in the hotels and avoid bringing too much money with you when going out.  

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