Lost passport

QuestionsCategory: CambodiaLost passport
dina1 Staff asked 9 years ago

Help! I had my bag stolen while making my way to the temples of Angkor and I realised that my passport was also in the bag. Has anyone been in a similar position and knows what to do and how long it takes to get a emergency replacement.

Thanks so much!

1 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 9 years ago

Stolen passport when you are in another country is a serious issue. However, don’t worry too much but keep calm and do steps to solve this problem:

  1. Go to the nearest police station to substantiate that your passport was stolen and they will provide a report for you
  2. Bring it and  all available identification such as: birth certificate, driver’s license, photocopy of the missing passport to your Embassy in Cambodia
  3. If you have no current identification with you, you should bring along an friend who live at the same country with you or relative with his/her passport to vouch for you.
  4. Two (2) identical, recent color photographs taken full face, with a white background and suitable format (if you don’t have one, you can ask the photographer otherwise you given a wrong format)
  5. Fill in the required paperwork and pay the necessary fee to obtain a replacement passport

You have to wait a couple of weeks to have emergency replacement passport. Meanwhile, if you’re unlucky to lose almost money, you can use the report police to ask for help from hotel or any local agencies.
I hope it’s useful with you. Good luck!

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