Mekong Cruise North South or South North direction

QuestionsMekong Cruise North South or South North direction
dina1 Staff asked 9 years ago

What is the different between cruise from Caibe to Cantho and the one from Cantho to Caibe?

Cruise North South or South North direction?

1 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 8 years ago

Hello there,
Mekong Delta is one of the most interesting and scenic region in Vietnam and it is really worth visiting. If you decide to cruise from North to South or from South to North, you can definitely enjoy the beauty of Mekong because the direction of two ways has many commons. I show you one of the most popular itineraries about cruise Mekong to help you have more understanding:
From North to South: Cai Be-Tra On -Can Tho

Cruise Mekong from Cai Be to Can Tho

From Sounth to North: Can Tho-Tra On Sa Dec-Cai Be

Cruise Mekong from Can Tho to Cai Be

Hope these information is useful for you.
Have a nice trip.

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