Where is the museum of dinosaurus (scheleton) in Siem Reap?

QuestionsCategory: CambodiaWhere is the museum of dinosaurus (scheleton) in Siem Reap?
dina1 Staff asked 8 years ago
Where is the dinosaurus (scheleton) museum in Siem Reap?
1 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 8 years ago

Dinosaurus museum is located on the way to Angkor temples, road 60. It is kind of panoramic museum.  The museum has all pictures s and hand drowning as panoramic of all main temples in Angkor.  The museum comprises of 3 Galleries, with different entrance fees. 

  • First gallery is 5$pp, 
  • Second 4$pp, 
  • And the main one is $10pp.

 It is  Korean investment
Dinosaurus Museum in Siemreap,Cambodia

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