Northern Vietnam and road journey to LuangNamTha

QuestionsCategory: LaosNorthern Vietnam and road journey to LuangNamTha
dina1 Staff asked 9 years ago

We’re planning  to visit Hanoi and Halong bay. We are interesting in  traveling Northen Vietnam with  Northen Laos and end the trip in Vientiane. Could you please advise the weather in Feb& Mar and road condition in Laos. We heard that Luangnamtha is interesting but the road might be tedious.

1 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 9 years ago

Hey Magicflame,
Lao has three seasons as I know.
High Season (Nov–Mar) —> The time you plan to go

  • Pleasant temperatures in much of Laos, although cold in the mountains. —> Luangnamtha this time is cold as it’s mountainous area
  • The best all-round time to visit.
  • Book accommodation in advance during the peak Christmas and New Year period.

Shoulder Season (Jul & Aug)

  • Wet in most parts of Laos with high humidity, but the landscapes are emerald green.
  • Popular time for European tourists to visit from Italy or Spain, plus backpacking students with a long summer break.

Low Season (Apr–Jun, Sep & Oct)

  • April and May brings the hot season to Laos when the thermostat hits 40°C and visitors wilt.
  • September and October can be very wet, but there are some incredible cloud formations to accompany the deluge.
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