The procedures of extending long-term Vietnam visas for foreigners

QuestionsCategory: VietnamThe procedures of extending long-term Vietnam visas for foreigners
dina1 Staff asked 9 years ago

The procedures of extending long-term Vietnam visas for foreigners. Please help me!!!

1 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 9 years ago

The maximum period of stay for long-term visa based on issued by Vietnamese Law has the term of one year (12 months), which can be given to foreigners by the Ministry of security and immigration or the offices in charge of immigration in big cities or provinces in all over Vietnam under these circumstances:

  1. Foreign investors.
  2. The preventative men of any non-governmental organizations.
  3. Lawyers with licenses issued by the Vietnamese Ministry of Justice.
  4. Foreigners with Vietnamese working permits.

 The procedure of extending long-term Vietnam visas for foreigners includes:

  1. The recorded documents from the guaranteed companies or organizations for the foreigners, who want to extend their long-term visas (Which include the copy of copy of business registration certificate, the copy of certificate of registered seal, the copy of Tax Registration Number, the registration of signature and seal) of involved guaranteed organizations mentioned above.
  2. The passport of the foreigners that is still within time limit for at least 6 months before proceeding with the extending procedures.
  3. The working permit (foreign investors, project manager, preventative men of non-governmental organizations, lawyers will be given working permit in Vietnam without having to ask for one).
  4. The standard model of application for extending Vietnam long-term visa.

Notes about the application for extending Vietnam Visa:
The model of this application must have been approved by Vietnamese companies involved guaranteed organizations in Vietnam.
Other involved documents, which are directly requested by the Ministry of Security and Immigration of Vietnam (for examples: house rental document, list of involved foreign workers, etc…)

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