The quickest way to get to ChiengMai from Luangprabang

QuestionsCategory: ThaiLandThe quickest way to get to ChiengMai from Luangprabang
dina1 Staff asked 8 years ago

The quickest way to get to ChiengMai fromLuangprabang? Is the trip between Mekong and Parkbeng in service both way up and down?

1 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 8 years ago

The best way is by flight, please find more details as follow:
* Take the plane — it takes an hour and is flown by Lao Airlines once daily. Total flight time: 1 hour.
* Take the slow boat — requires overland transport to the border, then a two day boat. Time required: At least three days.
*Take the speedboat — requires overland transport to the border, then a one day speed boat trip. At least two days.
* Take the bus — requires overland transport to the border, then bus north to Luang Nam Tha, then Udomxai then Luang Prabang. At least three days.

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