Safe bus between Kampot and Battambang

QuestionsCategory: CambodiaSafe bus between Kampot and Battambang
travel Staff asked 6 years ago

Safe bus between Kampot and Battambang

Which is the most prestigious company to take the night bus to Kampot from Battambang? Which company should I choose to take the Night bus to Kampot from Battambang? How long does it take to travel from Battambang to Kampot by us? Ticket price of bus from Battambang to Kampot ? Best bus company in Battambang?

1 Answers
Sam Staff answered 5 years ago

If traveling by day, book a trip to Phnom Penh first. Can’t go between 2 places without going through PP. Hopefully your PP bus takes you to the Central Market area, where you can take the Sorya bus to Battambang. They leave constantly. The whole thing should take 10-11 hours.
It is also possible to book a trip to Battambang starting from Sihanoukville. But that won’t be faster than my suggestion. The transport company will stop at the PP and ask you to change cars.

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