Thoughts on private homestay in Mekong Delta

QuestionsCategory: VietnamThoughts on private homestay in Mekong Delta
dina1 Staff asked 9 years ago

Some people are a little bit worried about staying in a private home, Mekong Delta.  How about your thoughts?

1 Answers
MountFansipan Staff answered 9 years ago

Yes, you are quite right when asking this interesting questions. Private home stay in Mekong, currently  on offer are in

* Ben tre

* My tho

* Caibe

* Vinh Long

* Canhto

Most of the mentioned homestay  provide very basic accommodation with shared bath room. Some homestay like in VinhLong is like dome, very crowded and thus it ‘s not on the menu of our recommendation.  The most interesting homestay now is in Ben Tre set in the  lush of vegetation, close the nature and clean.

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