What are top 10 must go and must see places in Myanmar?

QuestionsCategory: MyanmarWhat are top 10 must go and must see places in Myanmar?
travel Staff asked 9 years ago

What are top 10 must go and must see places in Myanmar?

1 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 9 years ago

Myanmar is the land of Buddhism with golden-plated temples, monks in red robes and ancient monasteries. Additionally, the Golden Land also attracts travelers from all over the world with numerous magnificent landscapes . This country is not only a holy place of Buddhist disciples but also a wonderland for those who love travelling and exploring the mysterious Far East.

Hereunder is top 10 must go and must see places in Myanmar:

1. Golden Pagoda Shwedagon in Yangon
2. Golden Rock in Mon State
3. Golden Pagoda Shwezigon in Bagan
4. Shwesandaw in Bagan
5. Ananda Pagoda in Bagan
6. Mahamuni temple in Mandalay
7. Inwa village in Mandalay8. Mingun village in Mandalay
9. Ubein Bridge in Mandalay
10. Inle lake in Shan

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