Travel from Kanchanaburi via Ban Phu Nam Ron down to Dawei

QuestionsCategory: MyanmarTravel from Kanchanaburi via Ban Phu Nam Ron down to Dawei
dina1 Staff asked 8 years ago

Hi !
We are planning to make an overland trip from Kanchanaburi, by passing
Ban Phu Nam Ron border crossing, down to Dawei some time in this summer.
Our plan is to take the  bus or public train towards Yangon with ample stops along the road.
We just wonder how the road conditions would likely be in this area during summer?

1 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi !
We are planning to make an overland trip from Kanchanaburi, by passing
Ban Phu Nam Ron border crossing, down to Dawei some time in this summer.
Our plan is to take the  bus or public train towards Yangon with ample stops along the road.
We just wonder how the road conditions would likely be in this area during summer?

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