Travel from Koh Rong to Long beach Cambodia

QuestionsCategory: CambodiaTravel from Koh Rong to Long beach Cambodia
dina1 Staff asked 8 years ago

Travel from Koh Rong to Long beach
What is the best way to get to Long beach and how long is the journey to get there?
We will be in Cambodia and stay in Koh rong for a few days.

1 Answers
MountFansipan Staff answered 8 years ago

The best way from Koh Rong to longest beach ( Sihanoukvill is by boat. It takes around 2 hours
As you know Koh Rong Cambodia Island is the second largest island of Cambodia.You can enjot the half desert ilsand, with few people, live with people of village so have realy relax time, no road, no traffic. Hope you will enjoy your time at Koh Rong Island!

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