Traveling by bus from Yangon to Golden Rock

QuestionsCategory: MyanmarTraveling by bus from Yangon to Golden Rock
dina1 Staff asked 8 years ago

Could we get to Golden Rock by bus from Yangon? How long the ride and road condition?

1 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Henry,

Yes, you can get to Golden Rock from Yangon by “Win Express” run buses from the Highway Bus Station (also know as the Aung Mindalar Bus Station) in Yangon to the town of Kyaiktiyo and Kinpun which is a town 10km (6 mi) from Kyaiktiyo right at the base of Mt Kyaiktiyo. If you want to see the Golden Rock then do not get off at Kyaiktiyo (except in wet season, when you will be transferred to a pickup for the leg to Kinpun) – instead continue all the way to Kinpun. The first bus leaves at 06:30 and then go at hourly intervals until 14:30 (maybe later in high season). The fare is MYK8,000 and the trip takes approximately 5 hours.

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