Visa for Myanmar

QuestionsCategory: MyanmarVisa for Myanmar
dina1 Staff asked 9 years ago

Where can i apply visa for Myanmar?
Can I do it online?

1 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 9 years ago

Hi Petty,
Many people opt to apply for a Myanmar visa in Bangkok for two reasons: The process is quick and very simple and the cheapest flights into Myanmar depart daily from Bangkok.
Please find Mynamar Application Procedures in Bangkok as follow:

  • The Visa Section is now open for applications only from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. Afternoons are only for pickup.
  • Bring your passport, a photocopy of your passport, 2 passport photos and an address of where you will be staying in Myanmar.
  • Same-day visas cost 1260 baht. Next-day visas cost about 1000 baht. Three day visas cost about 810 baht – cheapest option. It was not always easy to get the same-day-visa and that you need good reason to support the urgency. Normally Staff at the Myanmar Visa section are open to your argument. Moreover a proof of means to get out of the country e.g round trip ticket is needed.
  • The ” Report of Arrival” form is no longer required.
  • Only two photos are required; one glued to the application form and one loose or paper-clipped to the form.
  • Visa pickup time is from 3:30 P M to 4:30 PM.
  • The normal tourist visa is single entry, valid for three months and good for a 28 day stay.
  • The Work History portion of the form (on back of the application) now only asks for current employment and one previous period of employment.
  • A queue system is in effect. Say you arrived at 8:00 AM. There will already be some 40 – 50 people in line. When the door opens you line up at one window where you show your completed form and are given a queue number. You then sit down and wait for you number. When called you pay and turn in your form and passport. (If you don’t have a form, grab one from the front counter and fill out while you’re waiting.)
  • check the embassy holidays as they observe both Thai and Myanmar holidays, before you leave.

When you return for pickup, stand in line at the appropriate window (regular, express or business), show your receipt (you saved it, right?) and pick up your passport. Don’t forget to review the visa before you leave.

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