Which Fly?

QuestionsCategory: MyanmarWhich Fly?
dina1 Staff asked 9 years ago

Our family plan a trip to Mynamar, could you suggest which International airlines fly to Myanmar?

1 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 9 years ago

Hi ,
There are a lot of international airlines fly to Myanmar.. You can choose some airline such as Air Asia, Quatar, Thai Airway.. it also depend which country you will take flight to Myanmar




International airlines
International flights to and from Myanmar (Burma)

Air Asia

Yangon Bangkok Yangon one time per day. 
You can buy only on the web. 
Site web : http://www.airasia.com

Air China : 206 bawga Lane, 9 miles………
Tel : +95 1 662 361 
Fax : +95 1 665 119


Site web : http://www.airchina.com

Air Mandalay : 146 Dhammazedi Rd……….
Tel : + 95 1 525 500


Chaing Mai (Thailande) 
Site web : http://www.laudaair.com




Air Condor :
+95 1 370 836 to 839 


Yangon Frankfurt Yangon – 1 fois par semaine le mardi

Air India :
tel : +95 1 253597
Fax : +95 1 248 175


Site web : http://www.airmandalay.com

Bangkok Airways :……………………………………


Site web : http://www.bangkokair.com

Biman : 106 Pansodan St……………………….
Tel : + 95 1 240 922


Dhakka (Bangladesh) 
Site web : http://www.bimanair.com

Dragon Air(KA)…………………………………….
Tel : + 95 1 255320 255321
Fax : +95 1 255 329


Hong Kong
Site web : http://www.dragonair.com

Druk Airlines(KB)…………………………………….
Tel : + 95 1 524 904


Bangkok, Dhaka, Paro
Site web : http://www.drukair.com.bt

Qatar …………………………………….(temporary)
Tel : + 95 1 250388


Site web : http://www.qatarairways.com.bt

Golden Myanmar (Y5)…………………………………….
Tel : + 95 9 400 44 69 999
Tel : + 95 9 400 44 79 999 
Fax : +95 1 860 40 51



Hong Kong Express…………………………………….
Tel : + 95 1 246 330


Yangon – Hong Kong – Yangon every Tuesday and Friday.
Website : http://www.hongkongexpress.com

Jet star Asia. ……………………………
Only on Internet

Singapore – Yangon
Jet star Asia is a “low cost”, owned by Qantas and based in Singapore. Very serious and super low price. Probably the lowest now. 
Only by Internet :http://www.jetstarasia.com

Malaysia Airlines : 
333 Bo Aung San St…………………..
Tel :+95 1 241 007
Fax : +95 1 241 124


Kuala Lumpur (Malaisie) 
Site web : http://www.malaysiaairlines.com 

Mandarin Airlines : 
353 Bo Aung Kyaw………………………
Tel : + 95 1 245 484
Fax : + 95 1 246 330


Taipei (Taiwan)
Site web : http://www.mandarin-airlines.com

Myanmar Airways International
Tel : + 95 1 255 440 (réservation)
Fax : +95 1 255 434
Email : [email protected]


Bangkok, Singapore, Malaysia (kl), Siam Reap, Guangzhou
Site web : http://www.maiair.com 
Code Share with Jet star from Singapore

Phuket Airlines CoLtd …………………………..
Tel :+ 662 285 5038
Fax : + 662 679 8236


Bangkok – Mandalay : SUSPENDED for security reasons
Site web : http://www.phuketairlines.com 
This airline is on the “black list” of the European Union for security reasons… Avoid.

SilkAir : #202, 2nd Fl, Sakura Tower………..
Tel :+ 95 1 255 287 – 289
Fax : + 95 1 255 290


Site web : http://www.silkair.com

Thai Airways International :………………………
#1101 Sakura Tower
Tel :+ 95 1 255 499
Fax : + 95 1 255 490
Airport : +95 1 662 661


Site web : http://www.thaiair.com

Vietnam Airlines (VN):………………………

Tel :+ 95 1 255 066 / 088 / 068
Fax : + 95 1 255 086


Hanoi, Ho Chi Min City
Site web : http://www.vietnamairlines.com/?

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