Is it worth going to Loikaw in Myanmar

QuestionsCategory: MyanmarIs it worth going to Loikaw in Myanmar
dina1 Staff asked 9 years ago

What is all about the Loikaw in Myanmar, Is it worth  getting there?

1 Answers
dina1 Staff answered 9 years ago

Loikaw- The remote and enchanting capital of Kayah, Myanmar’s smallest – and one of its least visited – states, Loikaw is a long way from anywhere. It takes over 17 hours by bus from Yangon and 16 from Mandalay, although there are also some (irregular) flights and it is now possible to travel over land from the closer-by Inle Lake. Travel to this part of Myanmar and you will discover beautiful Kayah hill scenery and a large number of distinctive tribal cultures, the most internationally famous of which are the Kayan (with their tradition of ‘giraffe-necked’ women with coils that elongate their necks). There are up to ten native ethnic groups in Kayah, in addition to the people from surrounding parts of Myanmar who live here.

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